Royal Arch Chapter No. 190
Constituted 1918
Meets at The Masonic Hall, Cobh
Fourth Wednesday of February, September and November, at 7.00 pm
Chapter Contact: pmahony52@yahoo.ie
Our Chapter was established in 1918 – the youngest in the Province –and has met at the lodge room in King’s Terrace since the lodge moved there that same year from elsewhere in the town. The Chapter was established in response to a need from the large numbers of naval visitors constantly visiting the port – then known as Queenstown – which remained the case until the ceding of return of the port as part of the Treaty of 1938.
All visiting Royal Arch Masons are welcomed at Convocations of Royal Arch Chapter No. 190, and all Master Masons – of at least one years standing who are not already members of this branch of the Masonic Order – are warmly encouraged to apply for membership.