District Grand King Address
Welcome address from the District Grand King of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Munster, Most Excellent Companion Robin E.W. Newenham.
Welcome to our New Web Site which I hope you will visit often whether you are a member
or a visitor.
The District is the umbrella under which all the Royal Arch Chapters in the District meet
from Youghal in the East to Skibbereen in the West covering all of county Cork and parts of
county Kerry.
Membership is a logical progression in Masonry and if you are so inclined, and I would
encourage you to do so, and have been a Master Mason for at least one year, do ask a
member of your Lodge who will be only too delighted to point you in the right direction. You
will be made to feel most welcome and valued.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
M.E. Comp. Robin E.W. Newenham
District Grand King