Royal Arch
District Grand Royal Arch of Munster

Constituted 1914 Meets at 27, Tuckey Street, Cork The District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Munster was constituted in 1914 and governs the eight chapters meeting within the province of Munster. It originally met in the first floor lodge room and, since 1926, has usually met in this dedicated Royal Arch room, on the second...
District Grand King Address

Welcome address from the District Grand King of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Munster, Most Excellent Companion Robin E.W. Newenham. Welcome to our New Web Site which I hope you will visit often whether you are a member or a visitor. The District is the umbrella under which all the Royal Arch Chapters...
Royal Arch Chapters
Royal Arch Chapter No. 1

Constituted 1836 Meets at 27, Tuckey Street, Cork Fourth Monday of February, September and November, at 8.00 pm Chapter Contact: Our Chapter was established in 1836, in association with the First Lodge of Ireland, and has been meeting at the Tuckey Street premises since that lodge purchased it for its meetings in 1844. All...
Royal Arch Chapter No. 3

Constituted 1852 Meets at 27, Tuckey Street, Cork Second Monday of February, April, October and December, at 8.00 pm Chapter Contact: Our Chapter was established in 1852, in association with the Third Lodge of Ireland, and met at the 31 Maylor Street premises of St Patrick’s Lodge No. 8 from its foundation until 1926....
Bezaleel Royal Arch Chapter No. 8
Constituted 1832 Meets at 27, Tuckey Street, Cork Second Tuesday of February, April, October and November, at 8.15 pm Chapter Contact: Our Chapter was established in 1832, in association with the St Patrick’s Lodge No. 8. It met at the same venue as that lodge until the joint move to 31 Maylor Street in...
Royal Arch Chapter No. 68, Youghal

Constituted 1835 Meets at Masonic Hall, Youghal Meets second Wednesday of March, May, September and November at 8pm Chapter Contact: Royal Arch Masonry in Youghal was known as early as 1743 – the earliest verifiable reference to this branch of the Masonic Order in Ireland. A periodical – Faulkner’s Dublin Journal, dated 14 January 1744...
Concord Royal Arch Chapter No. 71
Constituted 1830 Meets at 27, Tuckey Street, Cork Fourth Thursday of January, March, May, September & November, at 8.00 pm Chapter Contact: The oldest Chapter warrant in the Masonic Province of Munster, Concord No. 71 also holds the distinction of being warranted in 1830, the first year of issue of chapter warrants in the Irish...
Royal Arch Chapter No. 84
Constituted 1831 Meets in rotation at The Masonic Hall, Brinny (nr. Bandon) and The Masonic Hall, Skibbereen Fourth Tuesday of February and Third Tuesday of November at Skibbereen at 8.00 pm; Fourth Tuesday of April and October at Brinny, at 8.00 pm Chapter Contact: According to the minutes of Grand Chapter for the year...
Hibernian Royal Arch Chapter No. 95

Constituted 1833 Meets at 27, Tuckey Street, Cork Third Wednesday of January, March, September and November, at 7.45 pm Chapter Contact: Our Chapter was established in 1833, and has met at the successive lodge premises of Hibernian Lodge No. 95 until the move to Tuckey Street in 1926. All visiting Royal Arch Masons are...
Royal Arch Chapter No. 190

Constituted 1918 Meets at The Masonic Hall, Cobh Fourth Wednesday of February, September and November, at 7.00 pm Chapter Contact: Our Chapter was established in 1918 – the youngest in the Province –and has met at the lodge room in King’s Terrace since the lodge moved there that same year from elsewhere in the...