Neptune Lodge No. 190, Cobh

Constituted 1846

Meets at The Masonic Hall, King’s Terrace, Cobh
Fourth Wednesday of every month, at 8.00 pm
(excluding June, July, August and December)

Lodge Contact:

Cobh Lodge RoomNeptune Lodge No. 190 Cobh was constituted in 1846, and met in various locations in this port town including at the Courthouse, Scott’s Square. We moved to our current premises at King’s Terrace in 1918, at the end of the First World War. Our lodge room was originally the basement of St Mary’s C.I. Parochial Hall, and in an interesting reversal of the usual tradition, meetings are held in the lower room, while installation dinners were formerly served in the upper room, which doubled as a badminton hall until the 1960s.

Ireland’s oldest Maritime Lodge, Neptune No. 190 granted Honorary Membership to (Masonic) US servicemen based in Cork Harbour during the 1914-18 First World War.

We especially welcome all Masonic seafarers to visit us when in port, while all visiting brethren are assured of a warm and fraternal welcome.

Cobh Warrant (1846)History of Warrant No. 190

This warrant was issued to DUBLIN, 1 February 1749, under the title ‘Royal Arch Lodge’ where it was worked until cancelled, 1 July 1815.

It was reissued to Ballymacarret, BELFAST, 27 December 1817 (in lieu of 931) under the title ‘Trinity Lodge’, where it worked until cancelled, 6 February 1845.

It was reissued a second time to COBH, Co. Cork, 3 April 1846 under the title ‘Neptune Lodge’, where it has been worked since.






No 190 Menu 1920Cobh 1914-19 Memorial

Cobh WM Daniel Casey (1893)

Daniel Casey, Worshipful Master No.190, 1893